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Our Team
Our tutors love helping students succeed in school. These are the tutors your student can work with. Hover over their picture to view a little about them.
I'm a retired K-8 teacher from the Ann Arbor school district. I love teaching and tutoring.
I am working towards a BS in Secondary Education with a focus in Mathematics. A fun fact about me is I enjoy learning about native plants.
I have a BFA in K-12 Visual Art Education and K-12 Spanish Education. In my spare time I love to make art and spend time with my guinea pigs.
I'm a Music Technology Major. I specialize in French and business.
I play guitar and write music.
I have a BS in mechanical engineering and a robotics minor.
I'm currently at Eastern Michigan University for a Masters in Orthotics and Prosthetics.
I specialize in all levels of Math, Physics.
I'm a high school Spanish Teacher and I love helping students learn a new language and open their minds to new cultures and traditions.
I have a Ph.D. in Chemistry and I'm passionate about making a meaningful impact on the lives of students by fostering a love for learning.
I majored in Orthotics & Prosthetics. I play multiple instruments and write music. I love listening to books.
My majors are Child and Adolescent Education & Forensic Psychology. A fun fact about me is I was a professional pastry chef.
I have an Associate of Applied Science in Law Enforcement and a BS in Mathematics and Economics.
I specialize in all levels of Math and Applied Econometrics. I'm a 15-year Army veteran.
I have a B.S. in Anthropology and a Juris Doctor. I am an attorney in Detroit and love all things video games.
I'm an Occupational Therapy major. I have two cats and dream of owing chocolate factory or a cake shop one day.
I majored in Elementary Special Education. I love crafts and want to be a teacher one day.
I have a B.S in Health Sciences and I’m working on a M.S in Orthotics and Prosthetics. A fun fact about me is Michigan is the fourth state I’ve lived in!
I have just completed my MD and I will be starting internal medicine residency this July. I specialize in all levels of biology, writing, and reading comprehension. I specialize in elementary and middle school level math.
I'm a Biology Major. I specialize in Biology, Chemistry, Math, and Test Prep. I volunteer at an animal shelter in my spare time.
My major is Astrophysics and English, and I also specialize in Physics. I'd love to be a telescope operator one day. Fun fact: I love dance, and I dye and cut my own hair.
I'm a dedicated tutor with five years of teaching experience, and a proud graduate of Eastern Michigan University. Passionate about shaping young minds, I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction.